Lübeck Haus Store

Welcome to Lübeck Haus Store and Bookstore, your online source for Growing Lettuce books, how-to books, engineering and professional books, computer and game software, consumer software, cellular phones,
professional and engineering software, construction contractors tools, model sailing ships.
The growing lettuce and garden books, tools, and accessories on this page are offered for sale in association with Amazon.com.
ORDERING GARDEN ITEMS: To order any garden item on this page, click on the title. Place your choice in the shopping cart at Amazon.com.
Then click on your browsers back button to return here to select another tool, if desired.
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and follow their instructions to complete your purchase.
If you are not ready to complete your purchase at that time, your purchase can remain in the shopping cart at Amazon.com until you are ready to complete your purchase.
Your garden purchase can be "stored" for up to eighty nine days.
Then when you are ready to complete your purchase, return to the shopping cart at Amazon.com and complete your purchase by following their instructions.
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Growing Lettuce
To locate more Growing Lettuce Books using this search box, first change ALL ( above ) to Books & Textbooks.
Then remove Search Amazon ( above). Then add Growing Lettuce Books, then press GO.
Greenhouse and Nursery Handbooks
To locate more Greenhouse and Nursery Books using this search box, first change ALL ( above ) to Books.
Then, remove Search Amazon ( above). Then add Greenhouse and Nursery Handbooks, then press GO.
To locate more Greenhouse Books using this search box, first change ALL ( above ) to Books.
Then, remove Search Amazon ( above). Then add Greenhouse Books, then press GO.

This link will connect to a list of books for and about stone buildings and structural engineering.
Masonry Tools
In this section, we offer stone masonry hammers and stone hammer sets made by the Trow and Holden Company.
Building Construction
In this section, we offer a selection of building construction, scaffolding, tools, and accessories.
Stone Carving Tools
In this section, we offer a selection of stone carving kits and instruction books.
Masonry Books
In this section, we offer a selection of stone masonry books, including lime mortars.
Kiln Books
This link will connect to Lübeck Haus Bookstore's select list of books for building kilms.
Stone Sculpturing Books
In this section, we offer books on stone sculpturing, Menhirs, Dolmen, and Stone Circles.
An Architectural Dictionary
This is an architectural dictionary and glossary of medieval buildings, cathedral architecture, and period definations.
Castle Terminology Glossary
This is a glossary of castle nomenclature, and other terms relating to castle construction and use.
The terms are in English and German. Definitions are in English.
Stone and Masonry Glossary
Select Stone offers a glossary of stone and masonry terms.
Stone Types
This page describes the basic types of building stone.
Lime Mortars
Cover the history, characteristics and manufacture of lime mortars.
Weights & Measures
A list of common and uncommon terms used for measuring.
Tying The Knot
This guide explains how to tie 20 popular and useful knots.
- Woodcarving Tools
Offers a selection of woodcarving tools, woodcarving tool kits, and books.
-Be sure and visit our German infotmation web site, German Ways.
This website has many useful links for travel planning, vacations, genealogy, hobby interests, books, German music and movies, learning the German Language, German history and more.
In addition, we have some excellent links for sources of help for you to learn, or improve your understanding of the language and of the people of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Tyrol, and Liechtenstein.
Visit These Other Websites.
- The Northwst Home Gardeners @ www.homegardeners.com
A home gardening resource web site for Pacific Northwest gardeners.
- Old Castle Shop @ www.oldcastleshop.com
A resource site dealing with stone and timber construction.
- Lübeck Haus Bookstore@Lübeck Haus Bookstore
Lübecks Bookstore has an extensive selection of instructional, engineering, technical, history, how-to, and gardening books.
- German Traditions @ www.germanways.com
A German American and German information and traditions web site.
- General Merchandise Sales@ www.luebeckhaus.com/store.htm
An extensive selection of Books, Music, Movies, Computers, Electronics, and Educational Software.
- Electronics Department@Electronics
The Electronic Equipment and Software Department of Lübeck Haus.
- Stone Masonry Equipment @ www.pacificmountainmasonry.com
Masonry construction contractors supplies, masonry tools, and equipment.
- Gerneral Merchandise @ www.bouldercreektradingpost.com
Boulder Creek Bookstore, Art Gallery, Electronics, Computers, Mail Order Sales, and Flower Shop.
- Photography Equipment @ Photography
The Photography Department of Lübeck Haus. Offers cameras, photography books, and pictures.
- The Kings Street Market @ www.kingsstreetmarket.org
Visit The Kings Street Market Directory for a variety of shopping stores and bookstores.
- The Kings Gate Lodge @ Kings Gate Lodge
Our Outfitters Department offers quality hunting, fishing, camping equipment and supplies, outdoor clothing, food, and books at competitive prices.
- Washington Institute of Dendrology Research @www.sedelmeierinstituteofdendrologyresearch.org
A scientific and educational non-profit corporation providing vital pathology and entomology research facilities and funding to find safe and better ways to control and/or to eradicate many of the most
damaging invasive tree diseases and insects that harm and adversely effect our forest trees, landscape trees, and fruit and nut trees.
Thank you for stopping by Lübeck Haus Store.
Before you leave, be sure to browse our Fun page .
This is collection of web links for fun, electronic and magnetic experimentation, learning science, mathematics, puzzles, nature, and adventure.
If you have questions, comments, suggestions, email webmeister at edward@sedelmeier.com
This page last updated February 14, 2018.